Staking on Cosmos with Staking API


This guide demonstrates how to stake ATOM tokens on the Cosmos network using the Staking API. You’ll learn how to query validators, create delegation transactions, and manage your staking positions.


Step-by-Step Guide

1. Setting Up the Environment

First, install the required dependencies:

npm install @cosmjs/stargate @cosmjs/proto-signing

2. Implementation

import { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";

// Replace with your wallet's mnemonic phrase
const walletPhrase = "...";
const API_KEY = "test_pk_1234567890abcdef";

async function main() {
  // Create wallet using mnemonic phrase
  const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(walletPhrase);
  const [account] = await wallet.getAccounts();

  // 1. Query Validators
  const validatorsResponse = await fetch(
      headers: {
        Authorization: API_KEY,
  const validators = await validatorsResponse.json();
  console.log("Available Validators:", validators);

  // 2. Prepare Delegation Transaction
  const requestBody = {
    transaction: {
      data: {
        chainId: "cosmos-hub-4",
        mode: "delegate",
        sender: account.address,
        amount: "1000000", // 1 ATOM (in uatom)
        validatorAddress: validators.validators[0].address, // Using first validator
        fees: "0",
        gas: "0",
        memo: "",
        format: "proto",
        params: {
          pubKey: account.pubkey,

  // 3. Encode Transaction
  const responseEncode = await fetch(
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        Authorization: API_KEY,
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
      body: JSON.stringify(requestBody),

  const encodedData = await responseEncode.json();
  console.log("Encoded Transaction:", encodedData);

  // 4. Sign Transaction
  const signature = await wallet.signDirect(

  // 5. Broadcast Transaction
  const broadcastBody = {
    transaction: {
      encoded: encodedData.transaction.encoded,
      signature: signature,

  const responseBroadcast = await fetch(
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        Authorization: API_KEY,
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
      body: JSON.stringify(broadcastBody),

  const result = await responseBroadcast.json();
  console.log("Staking Result:", result);


API Reference

Validator DiscoveryGet list of Cosmos validatorsGET /api/cosmos/validators
Delegation TransactionCreate staking positionPOST /api/transaction/encode
Mode: delegate
Transaction BroadcastingSubmit signed transactionPOST /api/transaction/broadcast

Common Operations

Query Delegation Status

const delegationResponse = await fetch(
    headers: {
      Authorization: API_KEY,
const delegations = await delegationResponse.json();

Claim Rewards

const claimRequestBody = {
  transaction: {
    data: {
      chainId: "cosmos-hub-4",
      mode: "claimRewards",
      sender: account.address,
      validatorAddress: validators.validators[0].address,
      // ... other parameters
// Then encode and broadcast as shown above


const undelegateRequestBody = {
  transaction: {
    data: {
      chainId: "cosmos-hub-4",
      mode: "undelegate",
      sender: account.address,
      amount: "1000000", // 1 ATOM
      validatorAddress: validators.validators[0].address,
      // ... other parameters
// Then encode and broadcast as shown above

Error Handling

  • Always check the response status and error messages
  • Ensure sufficient funds for delegation and fees
  • Verify validator status before delegation
  • Handle network timeouts and retries appropriately

Security Considerations

  • Never hardcode mnemonic phrases
  • Store API keys securely
  • Validate all input parameters
  • Implement proper error handling
  • Use secure connections (HTTPS)

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